After a restful nights sleep in a hotel (which was rare this trip), we headed south through a place called Assateague Island in Delaware. This was about a 3 hours drive from Philadelphia. This area was pretty interesting but being back on the east coast, I was about ready to get home, as the sites were starting to look more familiar. This island however, is a national seashore, and is known for its free range horses that roam the lands. This area, is definitely more of a recreational area, as opposed to a scenic stop.
The big site for today, at least the one I was looking forward to however, was the Norfolk Bay Bridge. I came across this ona google search about Norfolk, and discovered this modern marvel of a mammoth bridge which goes into the water twice! The reason for this, as Norfolk is known for being a naval shipyard, was for Aircraft carriers to be able to enter into the bay without having to build a tremendous over water section of the bridge. This is amazing and when we arrived at the bridge you cannot even see the other side of the bay as it is almost 50 miles away! This is by far the longest bridge in America, and one of the scariest to drive. This was amazing.
Now we have entered into Norfolk, it was time for…of course…. a beer. With that in mind, we had to check into the hotel first. Once we did that, we found a local Irish pub, had some lunch and beer, and met a military personnel who talked with us about travel and his work. IT was great to talk to a local naval officer and learn about the place. The pub was essentially our dinner since we had sushi on the road about two hours earlier. With that in mind we walked the naval shipyards and went to a few local bars to explore the downtown area. This was a great area and we were glad to visit, but this trip was coming to an end and we knew it. It was time to head to the hotel and rest for tomorrows drive to Wilmington.
9.60 burger king
2.65 starbucks ashley
4.92 cinnabon
14 gas
2.90 toll ashley
6 toll ashley
15.50 sushi ashley
4 ashley laundry
7.41 gas
6.41 snacks
52.16 hotel
22 beer
21 beer
5.51 coffee
Total – 174.06